September 12, 2023

Eppow - Liberating the Healthcare System from Middlemen

For many companies and jobseekers, it is common to go through staffing agencies to find the right job. The intermediary makes sure to match optimal solutions and that both parties are satisfied. A while ago, we came into contact with a startup that had a different vision. With a background in healthcare, they felt there was room for improvement in the recruitment process. MyPick was founded, a digital service that brings together healthcare professionals and providers with the intention of facilitating and creating a direct connection. The middleman was eliminated.

As with many innovative and valued service companies, the journey can be fast, very fast. The team outgrew their suit and needed a new one. Together, we explored options; everything from exotic languages, anatomical terms, to archetypes. The hunt for the golden egg intensified. From the list, one name stood out - Eppow, which comes from the word 'empower', one of the name group's most central value words. To be able to return the power to the healthcare system and create continuity.

Groth & Co handled the legal aspect and trademark, and with a new brand platform, Eppow is in a strong position to take on new challenges. We wish the team the best of luck!

Visit their website for more info.

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